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雅思词汇解析(59)| 房屋装潢

October 22, 2023

雅思词汇解析 | | 栏目推送说明





1. refurbish /riː'fɜːbɪʃ/

v. 翻新,整修建筑物或房间

e.g. They’re refurbishing the old theatre.

e.g. The developers refurbished the house inside and out.

syn. improve/ redecorate

剑桥真题11-3-2:The good news is that it will close for six weeks to be made safe and redecorated, and the improved building will open in July.

正确选项:It will be refurbished.

剑桥真题10-1-2:Our recently refurbished fitness suite has all the latest exercise equipment including ten new running machines and a wide range of weight-training machines.

题干替换:Which Two facilities at the leisure club have recently been improved?

n. refurbishment 翻新;整修

剑桥真题11-2-2: It is an old building and it’s been modernized several times. In fact, as you can see, we are carrying out a major refurbishment at the moment.

2. aesthetic/iːs'θetɪk/


e.g. The new building has little aesthetic value/appeal. 美学价值

e.g. The coastal town's aesthetic charm is enhanced by the quaint cottages and picturesque harbor.

补充: quaint 古色古香的

picturesque adj. 风景如画的

adv. aesthetically 审美地

常见搭配:aesthetically appealing / pleasing 令人赏心悦目的

口语话题:Do you think the objects we use in our daily lives should be beautifully


例:Aesthetically appealing objects can make everyday tasks and activities more enjoyable. A beautiful cup or plate, for example, can enhance the experience of having a meal or a hot beverage.

3. minimalist /'mɪnɪm(ə)lɪst/

adj. 极简派风格的

搭配:minimalist style 极简风格

minimalist lifestyle 极简的生活方式

e.g. I embraced a minimalist lifestyle in part to cut down on decision making.

e.g. In the world of interior design, the minimalist style has gained popularity for its simplicity and focus on functionality.

4. symmetry 'sɪmɪtrɪ/

n. (形状、设计或结构的)对称,匀称

e.g. The trees break the symmetry of the painting.

e.g. I particularly like the symmetry created by the reflection of the mountain in the lake.

adj. symmetrical /sɪ'metrɪk(ə)l/ 对称的

e.g. The gate of the Orient in Suzhou is a striking example of symmetrical design, creating a sense of balance and elegance that attracts visitors all over the world.

e.g. The architect designed the building with a symmetrical layout, ensuring that both sides of the structure were balanced and visually pleasing.


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